There is a video circulating on Facebook that contains misleading information about the UK Emergency Alerts service and its upcoming test on April 23rd.

In the video, a man falsely claims that the alert is a “text message” that requires a reply, and that the use of phones will be limited if there is no response. He suggests that the alert will access data or install something on the phone, and alleges that phone companies are breaching GDPR laws by sharing numbers without permission.

However, this description is not accurate. The national test of the Emergency Alerts service serves to warn individuals via their phones or tablets in the event of a nearby “danger to life,” such as severe weather, fire, or flooding. Only authorized emergency services, government departments, agencies, and public bodies will have the ability to send these alerts, which will provide guidance on staying safe during emergencies.

What is the UK alert service

The test will take place across the UK on April 23rd, and the alert will appear on devices connected to 4G or 5G networks. The notification will be accompanied by a loud siren-like sound lasting up to 10 seconds.

Spreading misinformation about the data being collected may cause unnecessary concern. Some individuals may choose to opt out based on these false claims, thus putting themselves at risk by not receiving warnings about nearby dangers in the future.

Regarding the violation of GDPR regulations, it is crucial to understand that the Emergency Alert system does not utilize personal data to send alerts. According to the government, the system operates by using the cell towers that a phone is connected to. When an alert is triggered, all towers in the area will broadcast the alert. As a result, the government does not require knowledge of specific locations or personal data on individual devices.

Are the phone alerts safe?

The privacy notice for the Emergency Alerts service confirms that the alerts are broadcasted to every compatible phone and tablet within range via mobile phone masts. The sender does not require knowledge of personal data, including mobile phone numbers or device-specific information.

Thus, the cellular network provider is not in breach of GDPR regulations by sharing phone numbers with external agencies without permission, as claimed in the video. The alerts are simply sent to phones connected to cell towers and are not based on a list of numbers provided by the networks to the government.

Concerning the requirement for a “reply” to the alert, the man in the video wrongly claims that failure to reply will result in limited phone usage. However, there is no need to reply to the emergency alert. According to the government, the alert will appear on the device’s home screen, and acknowledgment of the alert is necessary before using other features.

The alert will be in the form of a notification, which may contain telephone numbers or website links offering additional information. Some people have reported alert SMS messages on as potentially being scam but this is not the case. You can google the sender phone number to confirm whether it is legitimate or not.

There is no explicit requirement to provide a reply, but users must acknowledge the alert by pressing “ok” before they can resume using their phones.

As for concerns about limited phone usage, we have confirmed with the Cabinet Office that calls will not be diverted to voicemail if the alert has not been acknowledged. The alert will not interfere with an ongoing phone call, and notifications will still be received. To answer a call or view notifications, users will need to acknowledge the alert first.

Addressing the claim that the alert collects data, the man in the video suggests that replying or opening something related to the alert allows access to phone elements. However, the Cabinet Office has stated that the emergency alert does not access or utilize personal data. There is no collection of personal data involved in the emergency alert process.